Title: | Robust Gaussian Stochastic Process Emulation |
Description: | Robust parameter estimation and prediction of Gaussian stochastic process emulators. It allows for robust parameter estimation and prediction using Gaussian stochastic process emulator. It also implements the parallel partial Gaussian stochastic process emulator for computer model with massive outputs See the reference: Mengyang Gu and Jim Berger, 2016, Annals of Applied Statistics; Mengyang Gu, Xiaojing Wang and Jim Berger, 2018, Annals of Statistics. |
Authors: | Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut] |
Maintainer: | Mengyang Gu <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.6.6 |
Built: | 2025-03-05 03:01:26 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/RobustGaSP |
Robust parameter estimation and prediction of Gaussian stochastic process emulators. It allows for robust parameter estimation and prediction using Gaussian stochastic process emulator. It also implements the parallel partial Gaussian stochastic process emulator for computer model with massive outputs See the reference: Mengyang Gu and Jim Berger, 2016, Annals of Applied Statistics; Mengyang Gu, Xiaojing Wang and Jim Berger, 2018, Annals of Statistics.
Package: | RobustGaSP |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Robust Gaussian Stochastic Process Emulation |
Version: | 0.6.6 |
Date/Publication: | 2024-02-09 00:30:22 UTC |
Authors@R: | c(person(given="Mengyang",family="Gu",role=c("aut","cre"), email="[email protected]"), person(given="Jesus",family="Palomo", role=c("aut"), email="[email protected]"), person(given="James",family="Berger", role="aut")) |
Maintainer: | Mengyang Gu <[email protected]> |
Author: | Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut] |
Description: | Robust parameter estimation and prediction of Gaussian stochastic process emulators. It allows for robust parameter estimation and prediction using Gaussian stochastic process emulator. It also implements the parallel partial Gaussian stochastic process emulator for computer model with massive outputs See the reference: Mengyang Gu and Jim Berger, 2016, Annals of Applied Statistics; Mengyang Gu, Xiaojing Wang and Jim Berger, 2018, Annals of Statistics. |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 |
LazyData: | true |
Depends: | R (>= 3.5.0), methods |
Imports: | Rcpp (>= 0.12.3), nloptr (>= 1.0.4) |
LinkingTo: | Rcpp, RcppEigen |
NeedsCompilation: | yes |
Packaged: | 2024-02-08 19:55:04 UTC; mengyanggu |
RoxygenNote: | 5.0.1 |
Config/pak/sysreqs: | cmake |
Repository: | https://uncertaintyquantification.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/cran/RobustGaSP |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | 1c022ae8c510a11a537b0d56f62f6c2d16b9205c |
Index of help topics:
RobustGaSP-package Robust Gaussian Stochastic Process Emulation findInertInputs find inert inputs with the posterior mode humanity.X data from the humanity model leave_one_out_rgasp leave-one-out fitted values and standard deviation for robust GaSP model plot Plot for Robust GaSP model ppgasp Setting up the parallel partial GaSP model ppgasp-class PP GaSP class predict.ppgasp Prediction for PP GaSP model predict.rgasp Prediction for Robust GaSP model predppgasp-class Predicted PP GaSP class predrgasp-class Predictive robust GaSP class rgasp Setting up the robust GaSP model rgasp-class Robust GaSP class show Show Robust GaSP object show.ppgasp Show parllel partial Gaussian stochastic process (PP GaSP) object simulate Sample for Robust GaSP model
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
J.O. Berger, V. De Oliveira and B. Sanso (2001), Objective Bayesian analysis of spatially correlated data, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96, 1361-1374.
M. Gu. and J.O. Berger (2016). Parallel partial Gaussian process emulation for computer models with massive output. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10(3), 1317-1347.
M. Gu. (2016). Robust uncertainty quantification and scalable computation for computer models with massive output. Ph.D. thesis. Duke University.
M. Gu, X. Wang and J.O. Berger (2018), Robust Gaussian stochastic process emulation, Annals of Statistics, 46(6A), 3038-3066.
M. Gu (2018), Jointly robust prior for Gaussian stochastic process in emulation, calibration and variable selection, arXiv:1804.09329.
R. Paulo (2005), Default priors for Gaussian processes, Annals of statistics, 33(2), 556-582.
J. Sacks, W.J. Welch, T.J. Mitchell, and H.P. Wynn (1989), Design and analysis of computer experiments, Statistical Science, 4, 409-435.
#------------------------ # a 3 dimensional example #------------------------ # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 3 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 30 # uniform samples of design input <- matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample #### # outputs from the 3 dim dettepepel.3.data function output = matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data(input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis, with no constraint on optimization m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) # the following use constraints on optimization # m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=TRUE) # the following use a single start on optimization # m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) # number of points to be predicted num_testing_input <- 5000 # generate points to be predicted testing_input <- matrix(runif(num_testing_input*dim_inputs),num_testing_input,dim_inputs) # Perform prediction m1.predict<-predict(m1, testing_input, outasS3 = FALSE) # Predictive mean #m1.predict@mean # The following tests how good the prediction is testing_output <- matrix(0,num_testing_input,1) for(i in 1:num_testing_input){ testing_output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data(testing_input[i,]) } # compute the MSE, average coverage and average length # out of sample MSE MSE_emulator <- sum((m1.predict@mean-testing_output)^2)/(num_testing_input) # proportion covered by 95% posterior predictive credible interval prop_emulator <- length(which((m1.predict@lower95<=testing_output) &(m1.predict@upper95>=testing_output)))/num_testing_input # average length of posterior predictive credible interval length_emulator <- sum([email protected]@lower95)/num_testing_input # output of prediction MSE_emulator prop_emulator length_emulator # normalized RMSE sqrt(MSE_emulator/mean((testing_output-mean(output))^2 ))
#------------------------ # a 3 dimensional example #------------------------ # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 3 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 30 # uniform samples of design input <- matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample #### # outputs from the 3 dim dettepepel.3.data function output = matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data(input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis, with no constraint on optimization m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) # the following use constraints on optimization # m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=TRUE) # the following use a single start on optimization # m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) # number of points to be predicted num_testing_input <- 5000 # generate points to be predicted testing_input <- matrix(runif(num_testing_input*dim_inputs),num_testing_input,dim_inputs) # Perform prediction m1.predict<-predict(m1, testing_input, outasS3 = FALSE) # Predictive mean #m1.predict@mean # The following tests how good the prediction is testing_output <- matrix(0,num_testing_input,1) for(i in 1:num_testing_input){ testing_output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data(testing_input[i,]) } # compute the MSE, average coverage and average length # out of sample MSE MSE_emulator <- sum((m1.predict@mean-testing_output)^2)/(num_testing_input) # proportion covered by 95% posterior predictive credible interval prop_emulator <- length(which((m1.predict@lower95<=testing_output) &(m1.predict@upper95>=testing_output)))/num_testing_input # average length of posterior predictive credible interval length_emulator <- sum(m1.predict@upper95-m1.predict@lower95)/num_testing_input # output of prediction MSE_emulator prop_emulator length_emulator # normalized RMSE sqrt(MSE_emulator/mean((testing_output-mean(output))^2 ))
The function tests for inert inputs (inputs that barely affect the outputs) using the posterior mode.
object |
an object of class |
threshold |
a threshold between 0 to 1. If the normalized inverse parameter of an input is smaller this value, it is classified as inert inputs. |
This function utilizes the following quantity
for each input to identify the inert outputs. The average estimated normalized inverse range parameters will be 1. If the estimated normalized inverse range parameters of an input is close to 0, it means this input might be an inert input.
In this method, a prior that has shrinkage effects is suggested to use, .e.g the jointly robust prior (i.e. one should set prior_choice='ref_approx'
in rgasp()
to obtain the use rgasp
object before using this function). Moreover, one may not add a lower bound of the range parameters to perform this method, i.e. one should set lower_bound=F
in rgasp()
. For more details see Chapter 4 in the reference below.
Mengyang Gu. (2016). Robust Uncertainty Quantification and Scalable Computation for Computer Models with Massive Output. Ph.D. thesis. Duke University.
A vector that has the same dimension of the number of inputs indicating how likely the inputs are inerts. The average value is 1. When a value is very close to zero, it tends to be an inert inputs.
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
Mengyang Gu. (2016). Robust Uncertainty Quantification and Scalable Computation for Computer Models with Massive Output. Ph.D. thesis. Duke University.
#----------------------------------------------- # test for inert inputs in the Borehole function #----------------------------------------------- # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 8 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 40 # uniform samples of design set.seed(0) input <-matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) # maximin lhd sample # rescale the design to the domain input[,1]<-0.05+(0.15-0.05)*input[,1]; input[,2]<-100+(50000-100)*input[,2]; input[,3]<-63070+(115600-63070)*input[,3]; input[,4]<-990+(1110-990)*input[,4]; input[,5]<-63.1+(116-63.1)*input[,5]; input[,6]<-700+(820-700)*input[,6]; input[,7]<-1120+(1680-1120)*input[,7]; input[,8]<-9855+(12045-9855)*input[,8]; # outputs from the 8 dim Borehole function output=matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]=borehole(input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis with trend, with no constraint on optimization m3<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) P=findInertInputs(m3)
#----------------------------------------------- # test for inert inputs in the Borehole function #----------------------------------------------- # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 8 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 40 # uniform samples of design set.seed(0) input <-matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) # maximin lhd sample # rescale the design to the domain input[,1]<-0.05+(0.15-0.05)*input[,1]; input[,2]<-100+(50000-100)*input[,2]; input[,3]<-63070+(115600-63070)*input[,3]; input[,4]<-990+(1110-990)*input[,4]; input[,5]<-63.1+(116-63.1)*input[,5]; input[,6]<-700+(820-700)*input[,6]; input[,7]<-1120+(1680-1120)*input[,7]; input[,8]<-9855+(12045-9855)*input[,8]; # outputs from the 8 dim Borehole function output=matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]=borehole(input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis with trend, with no constraint on optimization m3<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) P=findInertInputs(m3)
This data set provides the training data and testing data from the 'diplomatic and military operations in a non-warfighting domain' (DIAMOND) simulator. It porduces the number of casualties during the second day to sixth day after the earthquake and volcanic eruption in Giarre and Catania. See (Overstall and Woods (2016)) for details.
Four data frame with observations on the following variables.
A matrix of the training inputs.
A matrix of the output of the calsualties from the second to sixth day after the the earthquake and volcanic eruption for each set of training inputs.
A matrix of the test inputs.
A matrix of the test output of the calsualties.
A. M. Overstall and D. C. Woods (2016). Multivariate emulation of computer simulators: model selection and diagnostics with application to a humanitarian relief model. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 65(4):483-505.
B. Taylor and A. Lane. Development of a novel family of military campaign simulation models. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(4):333-339, 2004.
A function to calculate leave-one-out fitted values and the standard deviation of the prediction on robust GaSP models after the robust GaSP model has been constructed.
object |
an object of class |
A list of 2 elements with
mean |
leave one out fitted values. |
sd |
standard deviation of each prediction. |
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
Mengyang Gu. (2016). Robust Uncertainty Quantification and Scalable Computation for Computer Models with Massive Output. Ph.D. thesis. Duke University.
library(RobustGaSP) #------------------------ # a 3 dimensional example #------------------------ # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 3 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 30 # uniform samples of design input <- matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample #### # outputs from the 3 dim dettepepel.3.data function output = matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data (input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis, with no constraint on optimization m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) ##leave one out predict leave_one_out_m1=leave_one_out_rgasp(m1) ##predictive mean leave_one_out_m1$mean ##standard deviation leave_one_out_m1$sd ##standardized error (leave_one_out_m1$mean-output)/leave_one_out_m1$sd
library(RobustGaSP) #------------------------ # a 3 dimensional example #------------------------ # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 3 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 30 # uniform samples of design input <- matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample #### # outputs from the 3 dim dettepepel.3.data function output = matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data (input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis, with no constraint on optimization m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) ##leave one out predict leave_one_out_m1=leave_one_out_rgasp(m1) ##predictive mean leave_one_out_m1$mean ##standard deviation leave_one_out_m1$sd ##standardized error (leave_one_out_m1$mean-output)/leave_one_out_m1$sd
Function to make plots on Robust GaSP models after the Robust GaSP model has been constructed.
## S4 method for signature 'rgasp' plot(x,y, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'rgasp' plot(x,y, ...)
x |
an object of class |
y |
not used. |
... |
additional arguments not implemented yet. |
Three plots: the leave-one-out fitted values versus exact values, standardized residuals and QQ plot.
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
M. Gu. (2016). Robust uncertainty quantification and scalable computation for computer models with massive output. Ph.D. thesis. Duke University.
library(RobustGaSP) #------------------------ # a 3 dimensional example #------------------------ # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 3 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 30 # uniform samples of design input <- matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample # outputs from the 3 dim dettepepel.3.data function output = matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data (input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis, with no constraint on optimization m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) # plot plot(m1)
library(RobustGaSP) #------------------------ # a 3 dimensional example #------------------------ # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 3 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 30 # uniform samples of design input <- matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample # outputs from the 3 dim dettepepel.3.data function output = matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data (input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis, with no constraint on optimization m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) # plot plot(m1)
Setting up the parallel partial GaSP model for estimating the parameters (if the parameters are not given).
ppgasp(design,response,trend=matrix(1,dim(response)[1],1),zero.mean="No",nugget=0, nugget.est=F,range.par=NA,method='post_mode',prior_choice='ref_approx',a=0.2, b=1/(length(response))^{1/dim(as.matrix(design))[2]}*(a+dim(as.matrix(design))[2]), kernel_type='matern_5_2',isotropic=F,R0=NA, optimization='lbfgs', alpha=rep(1.9,dim(as.matrix(design))[2]),lower_bound=T, max_eval=max(30,20+5*dim(design)[2]),initial_values=NA,num_initial_values=2)
ppgasp(design,response,trend=matrix(1,dim(response)[1],1),zero.mean="No",nugget=0, nugget.est=F,range.par=NA,method='post_mode',prior_choice='ref_approx',a=0.2, b=1/(length(response))^{1/dim(as.matrix(design))[2]}*(a+dim(as.matrix(design))[2]), kernel_type='matern_5_2',isotropic=F,R0=NA, optimization='lbfgs', alpha=rep(1.9,dim(as.matrix(design))[2]),lower_bound=T, max_eval=max(30,20+5*dim(design)[2]),initial_values=NA,num_initial_values=2)
design |
a matrix of inputs. |
response |
a matrix of outputs where each row is one runs of the computer model output. |
trend |
the mean/trend matrix of inputs. The default value is a vector of ones. |
zero.mean |
it has zero mean or not. The default value is FALSE meaning the mean is not zero. TRUE means the mean is zero. |
nugget |
numerical value of the nugget variance ratio. If nugget is equal to 0, it means there is either no nugget or the nugget is estimated. If the nugget is not equal to 0, it means a fixed nugget. The default value is 0. |
nugget.est |
boolean value. |
range.par |
either |
method |
method of parameter estimation. |
prior_choice |
the choice of prior for range parameters and noise-variance parameters. |
a |
prior parameters in the jointly robust prior. The default value is 0.2. |
b |
prior parameters in the jointly robust prior. The default value is |
kernel_type |
A vector specifying the type of kernels of each coordinate of the input. |
isotropic |
a boolean value. |
R0 |
the distance between inputs. If the value is |
optimization |
the method for numerically optimization of the kernel parameters. Currently three methods are implemented. |
alpha |
roughness parameters in the |
lower_bound |
boolean value. |
max_eval |
the maximum number of steps to estimate the range and nugget parameters. |
initial_values |
a matrix of initial values of the kernel parameters to be optimized numerically, where each row of the matrix contains a set of the log inverse range parameters and the log nugget parameter. |
num_initial_values |
the number of initial values of the kernel parameters in optimization. |
returns a S4 object of class ppgasp
(see ppgasp-class
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
M. Gu. and J.O. Berger (2016). Parallel partial Gaussian process emulation for computer models with massive output. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10(3), 1317-1347.
M. Gu, X. Wang and J.O. Berger (2018), Robust Gaussian stochastic process emulation, Annals of Statistics, 46(6A), 3038-3066.
M. Gu (2018), Jointly robust prior for Gaussian stochastic process in emulation, calibration and variable selection, arXiv:1804.09329.
J. Nocedal (1980), Updating quasi-Newton matrices with limited storage, Math. Comput., 35, 773-782.
D. C. Liu and J. Nocedal (1989), On the limited memory BFGS method for large scale optimization, Math. Programming, 45, p. 503-528.
Brent, R. (1973), Algorithms for Minimization without Derivatives. Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
library(RobustGaSP) ###parallel partial Gaussian stochastic process (PP GaSP) model ##for the humanity model data(humanity_model) ##120 runs. The input has 13 variables and output is 5 dimensional. ##PP GaSP Emulator m.ppgasp=ppgasp(design=humanity.X,response=humanity.Y,nugget.est= TRUE) show(m.ppgasp) ##make predictions m_pred=predict(m.ppgasp,humanity.Xt) sqrt(mean((m_pred$mean-humanity.Yt)^2)) mean(m_pred$upper95>humanity.Yt & humanity.Yt>m_pred$lower95) mean(m_pred$upper95-m_pred$lower95) sqrt( mean( (mean(humanity.Y)-humanity.Yt)^2 )) ##with a linear trend on the selected input performs better ## Not run: ###PP GaSP Emulation with a linear trend for the humanity model data(humanity_model) ##pp gasp with trend n<-dim(humanity.Y)[1] n_testing=dim(humanity.Yt)[1] H=cbind(matrix(1,n,1),humanity.X$foodC) H_testing=cbind(matrix(1,n_testing,1),humanity.Xt$foodC) m.ppgasp_trend=ppgasp(design=humanity.X,response=humanity.Y,trend=H, nugget.est= TRUE) show(m.ppgasp_trend) ##make predictions m_pred_trend=predict(m.ppgasp_trend,humanity.Xt,testing_trend=H_testing) sqrt(mean((m_pred_trend$mean-humanity.Yt)^2)) mean(m_pred_trend$upper95>humanity.Yt & humanity.Yt>m_pred_trend$lower95) mean(m_pred_trend$upper95-m_pred_trend$lower95) ## End(Not run)
library(RobustGaSP) ###parallel partial Gaussian stochastic process (PP GaSP) model ##for the humanity model data(humanity_model) ##120 runs. The input has 13 variables and output is 5 dimensional. ##PP GaSP Emulator m.ppgasp=ppgasp(design=humanity.X,response=humanity.Y,nugget.est= TRUE) show(m.ppgasp) ##make predictions m_pred=predict(m.ppgasp,humanity.Xt) sqrt(mean((m_pred$mean-humanity.Yt)^2)) mean(m_pred$upper95>humanity.Yt & humanity.Yt>m_pred$lower95) mean(m_pred$upper95-m_pred$lower95) sqrt( mean( (mean(humanity.Y)-humanity.Yt)^2 )) ##with a linear trend on the selected input performs better ## Not run: ###PP GaSP Emulation with a linear trend for the humanity model data(humanity_model) ##pp gasp with trend n<-dim(humanity.Y)[1] n_testing=dim(humanity.Yt)[1] H=cbind(matrix(1,n,1),humanity.X$foodC) H_testing=cbind(matrix(1,n_testing,1),humanity.Xt$foodC) m.ppgasp_trend=ppgasp(design=humanity.X,response=humanity.Y,trend=H, nugget.est= TRUE) show(m.ppgasp_trend) ##make predictions m_pred_trend=predict(m.ppgasp_trend,humanity.Xt,testing_trend=H_testing) sqrt(mean((m_pred_trend$mean-humanity.Yt)^2)) mean(m_pred_trend$upper95>humanity.Yt & humanity.Yt>m_pred_trend$lower95) mean(m_pred_trend$upper95-m_pred_trend$lower95) ## End(Not run)
S4 class for PP GaSP model if the range and noise-variance ratio parameters are given and/or have been estimated.
Objects of this class are created and initialized with the function ppgasp
that computes the calculations needed for setting up the analysis.
:Object of class integer
. The dimensions of the inputs.
:Object of class integer
. The number of observations.
:Object of class integer
. The number of outputs in each computer model run.
:Object of class matrix
with dimension n x p. The design of experiments.
:Object of class matrix
with dimension n x k. Each row denotes a output vector in each run of the computer model.
:Object of class matrix
of with dimension n x q. The mean basis function, i.e. the trend function.
:A character
to specify whether the mean is zero or not. "Yes" means it has zero mean and "No"" means the mean is not zero.
:Object of class integer
. The number of mean basis.
:Object of class vector
with dimension p x 1. The lower bound for inverse range parameters beta.
:Object of class vector
with the initial values of inverse range parameters p x 1.
:Object of class vector
with dimension p x 1. The inverse-range parameters.
:Object of class numeric
with the logarithm of marginal posterior.
:Object of class list
of matrices where the j-th matrix is an absolute difference matrix of the j-th input vector.
:Object of class vector
with dimension q x 1. The the mean (trend) parameter.
:Object of class matrix
with dimension n x n. The Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix R
, i.e.
:Object of the class matrix
. The estimated variance parameter of each output.
:Object of the class matrix
with dimension q x q. The Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix
:Object of the class vector
used for the lower bound and the prior.
:A numeric
object used for the noise-variance ratio parameter.
:A logical
object of whether the nugget is estimated (T) or fixed (F).
:A vector
of character
to specify the type of kernel to use.
:Object of class vector
with dimension p x 1 for the roughness parameters in the kernel.
:Object of class character
to specify the method of parameter estimation. There are three values: post_mode
, mle
and mmle
:Object of class logical
to specify whether the kernel is isotropic.
:The call
to ppgasp
function to create the object.
Prints the main slots of the object.
See predict
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
for more details about how to create a RobustGaSP
Function to make prediction on the PP GaSP model after the PP GaSP model has been constructed.
## S4 method for signature 'ppgasp' predict(object, testing_input, testing_trend= matrix(1,dim(testing_input)[1],1),r0=NA, interval_data=T, outasS3 = T,loc_index=NA, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'ppgasp' predict(object, testing_input, testing_trend= matrix(1,dim(testing_input)[1],1),r0=NA, interval_data=T, outasS3 = T,loc_index=NA, ...)
object |
an object of class |
testing_input |
a matrix containing the inputs where the |
testing_trend |
a matrix of mean/trend for prediction. |
r0 |
the distance between input and testing input. If the value
is |
interval_data |
a boolean value. If |
outasS3 |
a boolean parameter indicating whether the output of the function should be as an |
loc_index |
specified coodinate index of the prediction. The default value is |
... |
Extra arguments to be passed to the function (not implemented yet). |
If the parameter outasS3=F
, then the returned value is a S4 object
of class predppgasp-class
call: |
mean: |
predictive mean for the testing inputs. |
lower95: |
lower bound of the 95% posterior credible interval. |
upper95: |
upper bound of the 95% posterior credible interval. |
sd: |
standard deviation of each |
If the parameter outasS3=T
, then the returned value is a list
mean |
predictive mean for the testing inputs. |
lower95 |
lower bound of the 95% posterior credible interval. |
upper95 |
upper bound of the 95% posterior credible interval. |
sd |
standard deviation of each |
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
M. Gu. and J.O. Berger (2016). Parallel partial Gaussian process emulation for computer models with massive output. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10(3), 1317-1347.
M. Gu. (2016). Robust Uncertainty Quantification and Scalable Computation for Computer Models with Massive Output. Ph.D. thesis. Duke University.
library(RobustGaSP) #---------------------------------- # an example of environmental model #---------------------------------- set.seed(1) #Here the sample size is very small. Consider to use more observations n=80 p=4 ##using the latin hypercube will be better #library(lhs) #input_samples=maximinLHS(n,p) input_samples=matrix(runif(n*p),n,p) input=matrix(0,n,p) input[,1]=7+input_samples[,1]*6 input[,2]=0.02+input_samples[,2]*1 input[,3]=0.01+input_samples[,3]*2.99 input[,4]=30.01+input_samples[,4]*0.285 k=300 output=matrix(0,n,k) ##environ.4.data is an environmental model on a spatial-time vector ##? environ.4.data for(i in 1:n){ output[i,]=environ.4.data(input[i,],s=seq(0.15,3,0.15),t=seq(4,60,4) ) } ##samples some test inputs n_star=1000 sample_unif=matrix(runif(n_star*p),n_star,p) testing_input=matrix(0,n_star,p) testing_input[,1]=7+sample_unif[,1]*6 testing_input[,2]=0.02+sample_unif[,2]*1 testing_input[,3]=0.01+sample_unif[,3]*2.99 testing_input[,4]=30.01+sample_unif[,4]*0.285 testing_output=matrix(0,n_star,k) s=seq(0.15,3,0.15) t=seq(4,60,4) for(i in 1:n_star){ testing_output[i,]=environ.4.data(testing_input[i,],s=s,t=t ) } ##we do a transformation of the output ##one can change the number of initial values to test log_output_1=log(output+1) #since we have lots of output, we use 'nelder-mead' for optimization m.ppgasp=ppgasp(design=input,response=log_output_1,kernel_type ='pow_exp',num_initial_values=2,optimization='nelder-mead') m_pred.ppgasp=predict(m.ppgasp,testing_input) ##we transform back for the prediction m_pred_ppgasp_median=exp(m_pred.ppgasp$mean)-1 ##mean squared error mean( (m_pred_ppgasp_median-testing_output)^2) ##variance of the testing outputs var(as.numeric(testing_output)) ##makes plots for the testing par(mfrow=c(1,2)) testing_plot_1=matrix(testing_output[1,], length(t), length(s) ) max_testing_plot_1=max(testing_plot_1) min_testing_plot_1=min(testing_plot_1) image(x=t,y=s,testing_plot_1, col = hcl.colors(100, "terrain"),main='test outputs') contour(x=t,y=s,testing_plot_1, levels = seq(min_testing_plot_1, max_testing_plot_1, by = (max_testing_plot_1-min_testing_plot_1)/5), add = TRUE, col = "brown") ppgasp_plot_1=matrix(m_pred_ppgasp_median[1,], length(t), length(s) ) max_ppgasp_plot_1=max(ppgasp_plot_1) min_ppgasp_plot_1=min(ppgasp_plot_1) image(x=t,y=s,ppgasp_plot_1, col = hcl.colors(100, "terrain"),main='prediction') contour(x=t,y=s,ppgasp_plot_1, levels = seq(min_testing_plot_1, max_ppgasp_plot_1, by = (max_ppgasp_plot_1-min_ppgasp_plot_1)/5), add = TRUE, col = "brown") dev.off()
library(RobustGaSP) #---------------------------------- # an example of environmental model #---------------------------------- set.seed(1) #Here the sample size is very small. Consider to use more observations n=80 p=4 ##using the latin hypercube will be better #library(lhs) #input_samples=maximinLHS(n,p) input_samples=matrix(runif(n*p),n,p) input=matrix(0,n,p) input[,1]=7+input_samples[,1]*6 input[,2]=0.02+input_samples[,2]*1 input[,3]=0.01+input_samples[,3]*2.99 input[,4]=30.01+input_samples[,4]*0.285 k=300 output=matrix(0,n,k) ##environ.4.data is an environmental model on a spatial-time vector ##? environ.4.data for(i in 1:n){ output[i,]=environ.4.data(input[i,],s=seq(0.15,3,0.15),t=seq(4,60,4) ) } ##samples some test inputs n_star=1000 sample_unif=matrix(runif(n_star*p),n_star,p) testing_input=matrix(0,n_star,p) testing_input[,1]=7+sample_unif[,1]*6 testing_input[,2]=0.02+sample_unif[,2]*1 testing_input[,3]=0.01+sample_unif[,3]*2.99 testing_input[,4]=30.01+sample_unif[,4]*0.285 testing_output=matrix(0,n_star,k) s=seq(0.15,3,0.15) t=seq(4,60,4) for(i in 1:n_star){ testing_output[i,]=environ.4.data(testing_input[i,],s=s,t=t ) } ##we do a transformation of the output ##one can change the number of initial values to test log_output_1=log(output+1) #since we have lots of output, we use 'nelder-mead' for optimization m.ppgasp=ppgasp(design=input,response=log_output_1,kernel_type ='pow_exp',num_initial_values=2,optimization='nelder-mead') m_pred.ppgasp=predict(m.ppgasp,testing_input) ##we transform back for the prediction m_pred_ppgasp_median=exp(m_pred.ppgasp$mean)-1 ##mean squared error mean( (m_pred_ppgasp_median-testing_output)^2) ##variance of the testing outputs var(as.numeric(testing_output)) ##makes plots for the testing par(mfrow=c(1,2)) testing_plot_1=matrix(testing_output[1,], length(t), length(s) ) max_testing_plot_1=max(testing_plot_1) min_testing_plot_1=min(testing_plot_1) image(x=t,y=s,testing_plot_1, col = hcl.colors(100, "terrain"),main='test outputs') contour(x=t,y=s,testing_plot_1, levels = seq(min_testing_plot_1, max_testing_plot_1, by = (max_testing_plot_1-min_testing_plot_1)/5), add = TRUE, col = "brown") ppgasp_plot_1=matrix(m_pred_ppgasp_median[1,], length(t), length(s) ) max_ppgasp_plot_1=max(ppgasp_plot_1) min_ppgasp_plot_1=min(ppgasp_plot_1) image(x=t,y=s,ppgasp_plot_1, col = hcl.colors(100, "terrain"),main='prediction') contour(x=t,y=s,ppgasp_plot_1, levels = seq(min_testing_plot_1, max_ppgasp_plot_1, by = (max_ppgasp_plot_1-min_ppgasp_plot_1)/5), add = TRUE, col = "brown") dev.off()
Function to make prediction on the robust GaSP model after the robust GaSP model has been constructed.
## S4 method for signature 'rgasp' predict(object,testing_input,testing_trend= matrix(1,dim(testing_input)[1],1), r0=NA,interval_data=T, outasS3 = T,...)
## S4 method for signature 'rgasp' predict(object,testing_input,testing_trend= matrix(1,dim(testing_input)[1],1), r0=NA,interval_data=T, outasS3 = T,...)
object |
an object of class |
testing_input |
a matrix containing the inputs where the |
testing_trend |
a matrix of mean/trend for prediction. |
r0 |
the distance between input and testing input. If the value is |
interval_data |
a boolean value. If |
outasS3 |
a boolean parameter indicating whether the output of the function should be as an |
... |
Extra arguments to be passed to the function (not implemented yet). |
If the parameter outasS3=F
, then the returned value is a S4 object
of class predrgasp-class
to predict.rgasp
function where the returned object has been created.
:predictive mean for the testing inputs.
:lower bound of the 95% posterior credible interval.
:upper bound of the 95% posterior credible interval.
:standard deviation of each testing_input
If the parameter outasS3=T
, then the returned value is a list
mean |
predictive mean for the testing inputs. |
lower95 |
lower bound of the 95% posterior credible interval. |
upper95 |
upper bound of the 95% posterior credible interval. |
sd |
standard deviation of each |
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
M. Gu. (2016). Robust Uncertainty Quantification and Scalable Computation for Computer Models with Massive Output. Ph.D. thesis. Duke University.
M. Gu. and J.O. Berger (2016). Parallel partial Gaussian process emulation for computer models with massive output. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10(3), 1317-1347.
M. Gu, X. Wang and J.O. Berger (2018), Robust Gaussian Stochastic Process Emulation, Annals of Statistics, 46(6A), 3038-3066.
M. Gu (2018), Jointly Robust Prior for Gaussian Stochastic Process in Emulation, Calibration and Variable Selection, arXiv:1804.09329.
#------------------------ # a 3 dimensional example #------------------------ # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 3 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 30 # uniform samples of design input <- matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample # outputs from the 3 dim dettepepel.3.data function output = matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data (input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis, with no constraint on optimization m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) # the following use constraints on optimization # m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=TRUE) # the following use a single start on optimization # m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALS) # number of points to be predicted num_testing_input <- 5000 # generate points to be predicted testing_input <- matrix(runif(num_testing_input*dim_inputs),num_testing_input,dim_inputs) # Perform prediction m1.predict<-predict(m1, testing_input) # Predictive mean # m1.predict$mean # The following tests how good the prediction is testing_output <- matrix(0,num_testing_input,1) for(i in 1:num_testing_input){ testing_output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data(testing_input[i,]) } # compute the MSE, average coverage and average length # out of sample MSE MSE_emulator <- sum((m1.predict$mean-testing_output)^2)/(num_testing_input) # proportion covered by 95% posterior predictive credible interval prop_emulator <- length(which((m1.predict$lower95<=testing_output) &(m1.predict$upper95>=testing_output)))/num_testing_input # average length of posterior predictive credible interval length_emulator <- sum(m1.predict$upper95-m1.predict$lower95)/num_testing_input # output of prediction MSE_emulator prop_emulator length_emulator # normalized RMSE sqrt(MSE_emulator/mean((testing_output-mean(output))^2 )) #----------------------------------- # a 2 dimensional example with trend #----------------------------------- # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 2 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 20 # uniform samples of design input <-matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample # outputs from the 2 dim Brainin function output <- matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-limetal.2.data (input[i,]) } #mean basis (trend) X<-cbind(rep(1,num_obs), input ) # use constant mean basis with trend, with no constraint on optimization m2<- rgasp(design = input, response = output,trend =X, lower_bound=FALSE) # number of points to be predicted num_testing_input <- 5000 # generate points to be predicted testing_input <- matrix(runif(num_testing_input*dim_inputs),num_testing_input,dim_inputs) # trend of testing testing_X<-cbind(rep(1,num_testing_input), testing_input ) # Perform prediction m2.predict<-predict(m2, testing_input,testing_trend=testing_X) # Predictive mean #m2.predict$mean # The following tests how good the prediction is testing_output <- matrix(0,num_testing_input,1) for(i in 1:num_testing_input){ testing_output[i]<-limetal.2.data(testing_input[i,]) } # compute the MSE, average coverage and average length # out of sample MSE MSE_emulator <- sum((m2.predict$mean-testing_output)^2)/(num_testing_input) # proportion covered by 95% posterior predictive credible interval prop_emulator <- length(which((m2.predict$lower95<=testing_output) &(m2.predict$upper95>=testing_output)))/num_testing_input # average length of posterior predictive credible interval length_emulator <- sum(m2.predict$upper95-m2.predict$lower95)/num_testing_input # output of prediction MSE_emulator prop_emulator length_emulator # normalized RMSE sqrt(MSE_emulator/mean((testing_output-mean(output))^2 )) ###here try the isotropic kernel (a function of Euclidean distance) m2_isotropic<- rgasp(design = input, response = output,trend =X, lower_bound=FALSE,isotropic=TRUE) m2_isotropic.predict<-predict(m2_isotropic, testing_input,testing_trend=testing_X) # compute the MSE, average coverage and average length # out of sample MSE MSE_emulator_isotropic <- sum((m2_isotropic.predict$mean-testing_output)^2)/(num_testing_input) # proportion covered by 95% posterior predictive credible interval prop_emulator_isotropic <- length(which((m2_isotropic.predict$lower95<=testing_output) &(m2_isotropic.predict$upper95>=testing_output)))/num_testing_input # average length of posterior predictive credible interval length_emulator_isotropic <- sum(m2_isotropic.predict$upper95- m2_isotropic.predict$lower95)/num_testing_input MSE_emulator_isotropic prop_emulator_isotropic length_emulator_isotropic ##the result of isotropic kernel is not as good as the product kernel for this example #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # an 8 dimensional example using only a subset inputs and a noise with unknown variance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(1) # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 8 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 50 # uniform samples of design input <-matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) # maximin lhd sample # rescale the design to the domain input[,1]<-0.05+(0.15-0.05)*input[,1]; input[,2]<-100+(50000-100)*input[,2]; input[,3]<-63070+(115600-63070)*input[,3]; input[,4]<-990+(1110-990)*input[,4]; input[,5]<-63.1+(116-63.1)*input[,5]; input[,6]<-700+(820-700)*input[,6]; input[,7]<-1120+(1680-1120)*input[,7]; input[,8]<-9855+(12045-9855)*input[,8]; # outputs from the 8 dim Borehole function output=matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]=borehole(input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis with trend, with no constraint on optimization m3<- rgasp(design = input[,c(1,4,6,7,8)], response = output, nugget.est=TRUE, lower_bound=FALSE) # number of points to be predicted num_testing_input <- 5000 # generate points to be predicted testing_input <- matrix(runif(num_testing_input*dim_inputs),num_testing_input,dim_inputs) # resale the points to the region to be predict testing_input[,1]<-0.05+(0.15-0.05)*testing_input[,1]; testing_input[,2]<-100+(50000-100)*testing_input[,2]; testing_input[,3]<-63070+(115600-63070)*testing_input[,3]; testing_input[,4]<-990+(1110-990)*testing_input[,4]; testing_input[,5]<-63.1+(116-63.1)*testing_input[,5]; testing_input[,6]<-700+(820-700)*testing_input[,6]; testing_input[,7]<-1120+(1680-1120)*testing_input[,7]; testing_input[,8]<-9855+(12045-9855)*testing_input[,8]; # Perform prediction m3.predict<-predict(m3, testing_input[,c(1,4,6,7,8)]) # Predictive mean #m3.predict$mean # The following tests how good the prediction is testing_output <- matrix(0,num_testing_input,1) for(i in 1:num_testing_input){ testing_output[i]<-borehole(testing_input[i,]) } # compute the MSE, average coverage and average length # out of sample MSE MSE_emulator <- sum((m3.predict$mean-testing_output)^2)/(num_testing_input) # proportion covered by 95% posterior predictive credible interval prop_emulator <- length(which((m3.predict$lower95<=testing_output) &(m3.predict$upper95>=testing_output)))/num_testing_input # average length of posterior predictive credible interval length_emulator <- sum(m3.predict$upper95-m3.predict$lower95)/num_testing_input # output of sample prediction MSE_emulator prop_emulator length_emulator # normalized RMSE sqrt(MSE_emulator/mean((testing_output-mean(output))^2 ))
#------------------------ # a 3 dimensional example #------------------------ # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 3 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 30 # uniform samples of design input <- matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample # outputs from the 3 dim dettepepel.3.data function output = matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data (input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis, with no constraint on optimization m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) # the following use constraints on optimization # m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=TRUE) # the following use a single start on optimization # m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALS) # number of points to be predicted num_testing_input <- 5000 # generate points to be predicted testing_input <- matrix(runif(num_testing_input*dim_inputs),num_testing_input,dim_inputs) # Perform prediction m1.predict<-predict(m1, testing_input) # Predictive mean # m1.predict$mean # The following tests how good the prediction is testing_output <- matrix(0,num_testing_input,1) for(i in 1:num_testing_input){ testing_output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data(testing_input[i,]) } # compute the MSE, average coverage and average length # out of sample MSE MSE_emulator <- sum((m1.predict$mean-testing_output)^2)/(num_testing_input) # proportion covered by 95% posterior predictive credible interval prop_emulator <- length(which((m1.predict$lower95<=testing_output) &(m1.predict$upper95>=testing_output)))/num_testing_input # average length of posterior predictive credible interval length_emulator <- sum(m1.predict$upper95-m1.predict$lower95)/num_testing_input # output of prediction MSE_emulator prop_emulator length_emulator # normalized RMSE sqrt(MSE_emulator/mean((testing_output-mean(output))^2 )) #----------------------------------- # a 2 dimensional example with trend #----------------------------------- # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 2 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 20 # uniform samples of design input <-matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample # outputs from the 2 dim Brainin function output <- matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-limetal.2.data (input[i,]) } #mean basis (trend) X<-cbind(rep(1,num_obs), input ) # use constant mean basis with trend, with no constraint on optimization m2<- rgasp(design = input, response = output,trend =X, lower_bound=FALSE) # number of points to be predicted num_testing_input <- 5000 # generate points to be predicted testing_input <- matrix(runif(num_testing_input*dim_inputs),num_testing_input,dim_inputs) # trend of testing testing_X<-cbind(rep(1,num_testing_input), testing_input ) # Perform prediction m2.predict<-predict(m2, testing_input,testing_trend=testing_X) # Predictive mean #m2.predict$mean # The following tests how good the prediction is testing_output <- matrix(0,num_testing_input,1) for(i in 1:num_testing_input){ testing_output[i]<-limetal.2.data(testing_input[i,]) } # compute the MSE, average coverage and average length # out of sample MSE MSE_emulator <- sum((m2.predict$mean-testing_output)^2)/(num_testing_input) # proportion covered by 95% posterior predictive credible interval prop_emulator <- length(which((m2.predict$lower95<=testing_output) &(m2.predict$upper95>=testing_output)))/num_testing_input # average length of posterior predictive credible interval length_emulator <- sum(m2.predict$upper95-m2.predict$lower95)/num_testing_input # output of prediction MSE_emulator prop_emulator length_emulator # normalized RMSE sqrt(MSE_emulator/mean((testing_output-mean(output))^2 )) ###here try the isotropic kernel (a function of Euclidean distance) m2_isotropic<- rgasp(design = input, response = output,trend =X, lower_bound=FALSE,isotropic=TRUE) m2_isotropic.predict<-predict(m2_isotropic, testing_input,testing_trend=testing_X) # compute the MSE, average coverage and average length # out of sample MSE MSE_emulator_isotropic <- sum((m2_isotropic.predict$mean-testing_output)^2)/(num_testing_input) # proportion covered by 95% posterior predictive credible interval prop_emulator_isotropic <- length(which((m2_isotropic.predict$lower95<=testing_output) &(m2_isotropic.predict$upper95>=testing_output)))/num_testing_input # average length of posterior predictive credible interval length_emulator_isotropic <- sum(m2_isotropic.predict$upper95- m2_isotropic.predict$lower95)/num_testing_input MSE_emulator_isotropic prop_emulator_isotropic length_emulator_isotropic ##the result of isotropic kernel is not as good as the product kernel for this example #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # an 8 dimensional example using only a subset inputs and a noise with unknown variance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(1) # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 8 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 50 # uniform samples of design input <-matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) # maximin lhd sample # rescale the design to the domain input[,1]<-0.05+(0.15-0.05)*input[,1]; input[,2]<-100+(50000-100)*input[,2]; input[,3]<-63070+(115600-63070)*input[,3]; input[,4]<-990+(1110-990)*input[,4]; input[,5]<-63.1+(116-63.1)*input[,5]; input[,6]<-700+(820-700)*input[,6]; input[,7]<-1120+(1680-1120)*input[,7]; input[,8]<-9855+(12045-9855)*input[,8]; # outputs from the 8 dim Borehole function output=matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]=borehole(input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis with trend, with no constraint on optimization m3<- rgasp(design = input[,c(1,4,6,7,8)], response = output, nugget.est=TRUE, lower_bound=FALSE) # number of points to be predicted num_testing_input <- 5000 # generate points to be predicted testing_input <- matrix(runif(num_testing_input*dim_inputs),num_testing_input,dim_inputs) # resale the points to the region to be predict testing_input[,1]<-0.05+(0.15-0.05)*testing_input[,1]; testing_input[,2]<-100+(50000-100)*testing_input[,2]; testing_input[,3]<-63070+(115600-63070)*testing_input[,3]; testing_input[,4]<-990+(1110-990)*testing_input[,4]; testing_input[,5]<-63.1+(116-63.1)*testing_input[,5]; testing_input[,6]<-700+(820-700)*testing_input[,6]; testing_input[,7]<-1120+(1680-1120)*testing_input[,7]; testing_input[,8]<-9855+(12045-9855)*testing_input[,8]; # Perform prediction m3.predict<-predict(m3, testing_input[,c(1,4,6,7,8)]) # Predictive mean #m3.predict$mean # The following tests how good the prediction is testing_output <- matrix(0,num_testing_input,1) for(i in 1:num_testing_input){ testing_output[i]<-borehole(testing_input[i,]) } # compute the MSE, average coverage and average length # out of sample MSE MSE_emulator <- sum((m3.predict$mean-testing_output)^2)/(num_testing_input) # proportion covered by 95% posterior predictive credible interval prop_emulator <- length(which((m3.predict$lower95<=testing_output) &(m3.predict$upper95>=testing_output)))/num_testing_input # average length of posterior predictive credible interval length_emulator <- sum(m3.predict$upper95-m3.predict$lower95)/num_testing_input # output of sample prediction MSE_emulator prop_emulator length_emulator # normalized RMSE sqrt(MSE_emulator/mean((testing_output-mean(output))^2 ))
S4 class for the prediction of a PP GaSP model
Objects of this class are created and initialized with the function predict.ppgasp
that computes the prediction on the PP GaSP model after the PP GaSP model has been constructed.
to predict.ppgasp
function where the returned object has been created.
:predictive mean for the testing inputs.
:lower bound of the 95% posterior credible interval.
:upper bound of the 95% posterior credible interval.
:standard deviation of each testing_input
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
for more details about how to make predictions based on a ppgasp
S4 class for the prediction of a Robust GaSP
Objects of this class are created and initialized with the function predict.rgasp
that computes the prediction on Robust GaSP models after the Robust GaSP model has been constructed.
to predict.rgasp
function where the returned object has been created.
:predictive mean for the testing inputs.
:lower bound of the 95% posterior credible interval.
:upper bound of the 95% posterior credible interval.
:standard deviation of each testing_input
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
for more details about how to make predictions based on a rgasp
Setting up the robust GaSP model for estimating the parameters (if the parameters are not given).
rgasp(design, response,trend=matrix(1,length(response),1),zero.mean="No",nugget=0, nugget.est=F,range.par=NA,method='post_mode',prior_choice='ref_approx',a=0.2, b=1/(length(response))^{1/dim(as.matrix(design))[2]}*(a+dim(as.matrix(design))[2]), kernel_type='matern_5_2',isotropic=F,R0=NA, optimization='lbfgs', alpha=rep(1.9,dim(as.matrix(design))[2]), lower_bound=T,max_eval=max(30,20+5*dim(design)[2]), initial_values=NA,num_initial_values=2)
rgasp(design, response,trend=matrix(1,length(response),1),zero.mean="No",nugget=0, nugget.est=F,range.par=NA,method='post_mode',prior_choice='ref_approx',a=0.2, b=1/(length(response))^{1/dim(as.matrix(design))[2]}*(a+dim(as.matrix(design))[2]), kernel_type='matern_5_2',isotropic=F,R0=NA, optimization='lbfgs', alpha=rep(1.9,dim(as.matrix(design))[2]), lower_bound=T,max_eval=max(30,20+5*dim(design)[2]), initial_values=NA,num_initial_values=2)
design |
a matrix of inputs. |
response |
a matrix of outputs. |
trend |
the mean/trend matrix of inputs. The default value is a vector of ones. |
zero.mean |
it has zero mean or not. The default value is |
nugget |
numerical value of the nugget variance ratio. If nugget is equal to 0, it means there is either no nugget or the nugget is estimated. If the nugget is not equal to 0, it means a fixed nugget. The default value is 0. |
nugget.est |
boolean value. |
range.par |
either |
method |
method of parameter estimation. |
prior_choice |
the choice of prior for range parameters and noise-variance parameters. |
a |
prior parameters in the jointly robust prior. The default value is 0.2. |
b |
prior parameters in the jointly robust prior. The default value is |
kernel_type |
A vector specifying the type of kernels of each coordinate of the input. |
isotropic |
a boolean value. |
R0 |
the distance between inputs. If the value is |
optimization |
the method for numerically optimization of the kernel parameters. Currently three methods are implemented. |
alpha |
roughness parameters in the |
lower_bound |
boolean value. |
max_eval |
the maximum number of steps to estimate the range and nugget parameters. |
initial_values |
a matrix of initial values of the kernel parameters to be optimized numerically, where each row of the matrix contains a set of the log inverse range parameters and the log nugget parameter. |
num_initial_values |
the number of initial values of the kernel parameters in optimization. |
returns a S4 object of class rgasp
(see rgasp-class
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
M. Gu, X. Wang and J.O. Berger (2018), Robust Gaussian stochastic process emulation, Annals of Statistics, 46(6A), 3038-3066.
M. Gu (2018), Jointly robust prior for Gaussian stochastic process in emulation, calibration and variable selection, arXiv:1804.09329.
M. Gu. (2016). Robust uncertainty quantification and scalable computation for computer models with massive output. Ph.D. thesis. Duke University.
M. Gu. and J.O. Berger (2016). Parallel partial Gaussian process emulation for computer models with massive output. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10(3), 1317-1347.
E.T. Spiller, M.J. Bayarri, J.O. Berger and E.S. Calder and A.K. Patra and E.B. Pitman, and R.L. Wolpert (2014), Automating emulator construction for geophysical hazard maps. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 2(1), 126-152.
J. Nocedal (1980), Updating quasi-Newton matrices with limited storage, Math. Comput., 35, 773-782.
D. C. Liu and J. Nocedal (1989), On the limited memory BFGS method for large scale optimization, Math. Programming, 45, p. 503-528.
Brent, R. (1973), Algorithms for Minimization without Derivatives. Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
library(RobustGaSP) #------------------------ # a 3 dimensional example #------------------------ # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 3 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 50 # uniform samples of design input <- matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample #### # outputs from the 3 dim dettepepel.3.data function output = matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data (input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis, with no constraint on optimization # and marginal posterior mode estimation m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) # you can use specify the estimation as maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) m2<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, method='mle',lower_bound=FALSE) ##let's do some comparison on prediction n_testing=1000 testing_input=matrix(runif(n_testing*dim_inputs),n_testing,dim_inputs) m1_pred=predict(m1,testing_input=testing_input) m2_pred=predict(m2,testing_input=testing_input) ##root of mean square error and interval test_output = matrix(0,n_testing,1) for(i in 1:n_testing){ test_output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data (testing_input[i,]) } ##root of mean square error sqrt(mean( (m1_pred$mean-test_output)^2)) sqrt(mean( (m2_pred$mean-test_output)^2)) sd(test_output) #--------------------------------------- # a 1 dimensional example with zero mean #--------------------------------------- input=10*seq(0,1,1/14) output<-higdon.1.data(input) #the following code fit a GaSP with zero mean by setting zero.mean="Yes" model<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, zero.mean="Yes") model testing_input = as.matrix(seq(0,10,1/100)) model.predict<-predict(model,testing_input) names(model.predict) #########plot predictive distribution testing_output=higdon.1.data(testing_input) plot(testing_input,model.predict$mean,type='l',col='blue', xlab='input',ylab='output') polygon( c(testing_input,rev(testing_input)),c(model.predict$lower95, rev(model.predict$upper95)),col = "grey80", border = FALSE) lines(testing_input, testing_output) lines(testing_input,model.predict$mean,type='l',col='blue') lines(input, output,type='p') ## mean square erros mean((model.predict$mean-testing_output)^2) #----------------------------------- # a 2 dimensional example with trend #----------------------------------- # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 2 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 20 # uniform samples of design input <-matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) # maximin lhd sample # outputs from a 2 dim function output <- matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-limetal.2.data (input[i,]) } ####trend or mean basis X<-cbind(rep(1,num_obs), input ) # use constant mean basis with trend, with no constraint on optimization m2<- rgasp(design = input, response = output,trend =X, lower_bound=FALSE) show(m2) # show this rgasp object m2@beta_hat # estimated inverse range parameters m2@theta_hat # estimated trend parameters #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # an 8 dimensional example using only a subset inputs and a noise with unknown variance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(1) # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 8 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 50 # uniform samples of design input <-matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) # maximin lhd sample # rescale the design to the domain input[,1]<-0.05+(0.15-0.05)*input[,1]; input[,2]<-100+(50000-100)*input[,2]; input[,3]<-63070+(115600-63070)*input[,3]; input[,4]<-990+(1110-990)*input[,4]; input[,5]<-63.1+(116-63.1)*input[,5]; input[,6]<-700+(820-700)*input[,6]; input[,7]<-1120+(1680-1120)*input[,7]; input[,8]<-9855+(12045-9855)*input[,8]; # outputs from the 8 dim Borehole function output=matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]=borehole(input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis with trend, with no constraint on optimization m3<- rgasp(design = input[,c(1,4,6,7,8)], response = output, nugget.est=TRUE, lower_bound=FALSE) m3@beta_hat # estimated inverse range parameters m3@nugget
library(RobustGaSP) #------------------------ # a 3 dimensional example #------------------------ # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 3 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 50 # uniform samples of design input <- matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample #### # outputs from the 3 dim dettepepel.3.data function output = matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data (input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis, with no constraint on optimization # and marginal posterior mode estimation m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) # you can use specify the estimation as maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) m2<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, method='mle',lower_bound=FALSE) ##let's do some comparison on prediction n_testing=1000 testing_input=matrix(runif(n_testing*dim_inputs),n_testing,dim_inputs) m1_pred=predict(m1,testing_input=testing_input) m2_pred=predict(m2,testing_input=testing_input) ##root of mean square error and interval test_output = matrix(0,n_testing,1) for(i in 1:n_testing){ test_output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data (testing_input[i,]) } ##root of mean square error sqrt(mean( (m1_pred$mean-test_output)^2)) sqrt(mean( (m2_pred$mean-test_output)^2)) sd(test_output) #--------------------------------------- # a 1 dimensional example with zero mean #--------------------------------------- input=10*seq(0,1,1/14) output<-higdon.1.data(input) #the following code fit a GaSP with zero mean by setting zero.mean="Yes" model<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, zero.mean="Yes") model testing_input = as.matrix(seq(0,10,1/100)) model.predict<-predict(model,testing_input) names(model.predict) #########plot predictive distribution testing_output=higdon.1.data(testing_input) plot(testing_input,model.predict$mean,type='l',col='blue', xlab='input',ylab='output') polygon( c(testing_input,rev(testing_input)),c(model.predict$lower95, rev(model.predict$upper95)),col = "grey80", border = FALSE) lines(testing_input, testing_output) lines(testing_input,model.predict$mean,type='l',col='blue') lines(input, output,type='p') ## mean square erros mean((model.predict$mean-testing_output)^2) #----------------------------------- # a 2 dimensional example with trend #----------------------------------- # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 2 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 20 # uniform samples of design input <-matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) # maximin lhd sample # outputs from a 2 dim function output <- matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-limetal.2.data (input[i,]) } ####trend or mean basis X<-cbind(rep(1,num_obs), input ) # use constant mean basis with trend, with no constraint on optimization m2<- rgasp(design = input, response = output,trend =X, lower_bound=FALSE) show(m2) # show this rgasp object m2@beta_hat # estimated inverse range parameters m2@theta_hat # estimated trend parameters #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # an 8 dimensional example using only a subset inputs and a noise with unknown variance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(1) # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 8 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 50 # uniform samples of design input <-matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) # maximin lhd sample # rescale the design to the domain input[,1]<-0.05+(0.15-0.05)*input[,1]; input[,2]<-100+(50000-100)*input[,2]; input[,3]<-63070+(115600-63070)*input[,3]; input[,4]<-990+(1110-990)*input[,4]; input[,5]<-63.1+(116-63.1)*input[,5]; input[,6]<-700+(820-700)*input[,6]; input[,7]<-1120+(1680-1120)*input[,7]; input[,8]<-9855+(12045-9855)*input[,8]; # outputs from the 8 dim Borehole function output=matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]=borehole(input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis with trend, with no constraint on optimization m3<- rgasp(design = input[,c(1,4,6,7,8)], response = output, nugget.est=TRUE, lower_bound=FALSE) m3@beta_hat # estimated inverse range parameters m3@nugget
S4 class for Robust GaSP if the range and noise-variance ratio parameters are given and/or have been estimated.
Objects of this class are created and initialized with the function rgasp
that computes the calculations needed for setting up the analysis.
:Object of class integer
. The dimensions of the inputs.
:Object of class integer
. The number of observations.
:Object of class matrix
with dimension n x p. The design of experiments.
:Object of class matrix
with dimension n x 1. The Observations or output vector.
:Object of class matrix
of with dimension n x q. The mean basis function, i.e. the trend function.
:A character
to specify whether the mean is zero or not. "Yes" means it has zero mean and "No"" means the mean is not zero.
:Object of class integer
. The number of mean basis.
:Object of class vector
with dimension p x 1. The lower bound for inverse range parameters beta.
:Object of class vector
with the initial values of inverse range parameters p x 1.
:Object of class vector
with dimension p x 1. The inverse-range parameters.
:Object of class numeric
with the logarithm of marginal posterior.
:Object of class list
of matrices where the j-th matrix is an absolute difference matrix of the j-th input vector.
:Object of class vector
with dimension q x 1. The the mean (trend) parameter.
:Object of class matrix
with dimension n x n. The Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix R
, i.e.
:Object of the class numeric
. The estimated variance parameter.
:Object of the class matrix
with dimension q x q. The Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix
:Object of the class vector
used for the lower bound and the prior.
:A numeric
object used for the noise-variance ratio parameter.
:A logical
object of whether the nugget is estimated (T) or fixed (F).
:A vector
of character
to specify the type of kernel to use.
:Object of class vector
with dimension p x 1 for the roughness parameters in the kernel.
:Object of class character
to specify the method of parameter estimation. There are three values: post_mode
, mle
and mmle
:Object of class logical
to specify whether the kernel is isotropic.
:The call
to rgasp
function to create the object.
Prints the main slots of the object.
See predict
The response output
must have one dimension.
The number of observations in input
must be equal to the number of experiments output
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
for more details about how to create a RobustGaSP
Function to print Robust GaSP models after the Robust GaSP model has been constructed.
## S4 method for signature 'rgasp' show(object)
## S4 method for signature 'rgasp' show(object)
object |
an object of class |
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
#------------------------ # a 3 dimensional example #------------------------ # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 3 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 30 # uniform samples of design input <- matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample #### # outputs from the 3 dim dettepepel.3.data function output = matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data (input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis, with no constraint on optimization m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) # the following use constraints on optimization # m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=TRUE) # the following use a single start on optimization # m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) show(m1)
#------------------------ # a 3 dimensional example #------------------------ # dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs <- 3 # number of the inputs num_obs <- 30 # uniform samples of design input <- matrix(runif(num_obs*dim_inputs), num_obs,dim_inputs) # Following codes use maximin Latin Hypercube Design, which is typically better than uniform # library(lhs) # input <- maximinLHS(n=num_obs, k=dim_inputs) ##maximin lhd sample #### # outputs from the 3 dim dettepepel.3.data function output = matrix(0,num_obs,1) for(i in 1:num_obs){ output[i]<-dettepepel.3.data (input[i,]) } # use constant mean basis, with no constraint on optimization m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) # the following use constraints on optimization # m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=TRUE) # the following use a single start on optimization # m1<- rgasp(design = input, response = output, lower_bound=FALSE) show(m1)
Function to print the PP GaSP model after the PP GaSP model has been constructed.
## S4 method for signature 'ppgasp' show(object)
## S4 method for signature 'ppgasp' show(object)
object |
an object of class |
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
library(RobustGaSP) ###PP GaSP model for the humanity model data(humanity_model) ##pp gasp m.ppgasp=ppgasp(design=humanity.X,response=humanity.Y,nugget.est= TRUE) show(m.ppgasp)
library(RobustGaSP) ###PP GaSP model for the humanity model data(humanity_model) ##pp gasp m.ppgasp=ppgasp(design=humanity.X,response=humanity.Y,nugget.est= TRUE) show(m.ppgasp)
Function to sample Robust GaSP after the Robust GaSP model has been constructed.
## S4 method for signature 'rgasp' simulate(object, testing_input, num_sample=1, testing_trend= matrix(1,dim(testing_input)[1],1), r0=NA,rr0=NA,sample_data=T,...)
## S4 method for signature 'rgasp' simulate(object, testing_input, num_sample=1, testing_trend= matrix(1,dim(testing_input)[1],1), r0=NA,rr0=NA,sample_data=T,...)
object |
an object of class |
testing_input |
a matrix containing the inputs where the |
num_sample |
number of samples one wants. |
testing_trend |
a matrix of mean/trend for prediction. |
r0 |
the distance between input and testing input. If the value is |
rr0 |
the distance between testing input and testing input. If the value is |
sample_data |
a boolean value. If |
... |
Extra arguments to be passed to the function (not implemented yet). |
The returned value is a matrix
where each column is a sample on the prespecified inputs.
Mengyang Gu [aut, cre], Jesus Palomo [aut], James Berger [aut]
Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <[email protected]>
M. Gu. (2016). Robust uncertainty quantification and scalable computation for computer models with massive output. Ph.D. thesis. Duke University.
#------------------------ # a 1 dimensional example #------------------------ ###########1dim higdon.1.data p1 = 1 ###dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs1 <- p1 n1 = 15 ###sample size or number of training computer runs you have num_obs1 <- n1 input1 = 10*matrix(runif(num_obs1*dim_inputs1), num_obs1,dim_inputs1) ##uniform #####lhs is better #library(lhs) #input1 = 10*maximinLHS(n=num_obs1, k=dim_inputs1) ##maximin lhd sample output1 = matrix(0,num_obs1,1) for(i in 1:num_obs1){ output1[i]=higdon.1.data (input1[i]) } m1<- rgasp(design = input1, response = output1, lower_bound=FALSE) #####locations to samples testing_input1 = seq(0,10,1/50) testing_input1=as.matrix(testing_input1) #####draw 10 samples m1_sample=simulate(m1,testing_input1,num_sample=10) #####plot these samples matplot(testing_input1,m1_sample, type='l',xlab='input',ylab='output') lines(input1,output1,type='p')
#------------------------ # a 1 dimensional example #------------------------ ###########1dim higdon.1.data p1 = 1 ###dimensional of the inputs dim_inputs1 <- p1 n1 = 15 ###sample size or number of training computer runs you have num_obs1 <- n1 input1 = 10*matrix(runif(num_obs1*dim_inputs1), num_obs1,dim_inputs1) ##uniform #####lhs is better #library(lhs) #input1 = 10*maximinLHS(n=num_obs1, k=dim_inputs1) ##maximin lhd sample output1 = matrix(0,num_obs1,1) for(i in 1:num_obs1){ output1[i]=higdon.1.data (input1[i]) } m1<- rgasp(design = input1, response = output1, lower_bound=FALSE) #####locations to samples testing_input1 = seq(0,10,1/50) testing_input1=as.matrix(testing_input1) #####draw 10 samples m1_sample=simulate(m1,testing_input1,num_sample=10) #####plot these samples matplot(testing_input1,m1_sample, type='l',xlab='input',ylab='output') lines(input1,output1,type='p')